Stayin' Alive - The Bee Gees

How old were you when the movie
Saturday Night Fever
came out?

(Which by the way...
I still have this album)

I am not going to throw numbers
out there to let you do the math..
I was 17.
WOW....where has the time
40 years since the movie
came out

I love the Bee Gees.
I love John Travolta.
I love Saturday Night Fever.
I loved DISCO.

I am a child of the 60's
but I was alive in the
I lived through 70's
the 80's and the 90's but
I have to say that I feel
the best music came out
of the 70's.
And the Bee Gees were
a big part of that.

Sitting here watching the
Stayin' Alive special
about the Gibbs Brothers.
Reliving my youth. Reliving
when life was so simple.

Wow...what a great show.
Great artist preforming the
songs of the Bee Gees and
Andy Gibbs.

I have laughed, I have sang,
I have teared up but
most of all I did what
John Travolta said at the
first of the show...
I have DANCED.

Dakota thinks I have lost
my mind.

I hope you were able to enjoy
the show like I have. I really
wished I had recorded it to
watch again later.

I have a few pics to share that
I took of the show.
Did not think of it till it
was 30 mins into the show but
I will share what I have.

Barry Gibbs, the last remaining Gibbs Brother.

Oliva Newton John

Andy Gibbs singing with Oliva.

Katharine  McPhee

John Travolta

Great show!
The only thing I wished
had happened was for
John Travolta to have
danced like in the
Thanks for spending sometime with
me in 1977


DeniseinVA said…
That must have been tremendous! I remember the movie coming out. I had only been in the states for a little over a year.
Daniela said…
What loving memories you recalled to my mind, I was 10 !

Thanking you most sincerely both for this so lovely post and for the beautiful comment you left on - My little old world - I'm sending blessings to you

XOXO Daniela

P.S. sice I so love your blog, I'm following you with true joy !
Anonymous said…
I was 20 in 1977. I was in jr. college here in the little town we moved to last July! Loved the music of the Bee Gee's and a girlfriend and I saw them in concert in Atlanta!
Ann said…
I was 15 when that movie came out. I loved the Bee Gees and John Travolta.
MadSnapper said…
40 years ago I was 32 and have never seen the movie.. not a Travolta fan, I am a child of the 50's when it comes to music.. there are many movies I have not seen because we had no TV until 1960 and even then I never watched it and could not afford movies so missed most of the ones back then.
Darla M Sands said…
How fun! I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Sharon said…
I love all the old Bee Gees songs. They had a tribute show on PBS not long ago, did you see it?
Sally said…
Love their songs also. You don't want to know how old I was. LOL

Have a blessed day, Pam.
I LOVED the Bee Gees. It was 1977 when the song was released. That was 40 years ago and I am now 58. Oh I thought Barry was the hottest guy ever! LOL! This was fun going down memory lane. Hugs and blessings, Cindy
Mary B said…
I am so bummed! I didn't know about the special until it was happening (I don't have regular tv). I tried to catch it streaming online, but somehow got my timezones mixed up and CBS would only show me the very last two minutes. UGH! I can only hope that I can catch the full show eventually on youtube or netflix at some point.

The Bee Gees were such a big part of the 70's. So many hits. Andy Gibb was my first crush - I will openly admit I had his poster on my wall.

Jingle Jangle Jungle
#AtoZChallenge 1970's Billboard Hits
Liz A. said…
I was not allowed to see Saturday Night Fever. It was too old for me when it came out. (I was a child.) I have since seen it, though...

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