Another This, That and the Other


My brother gave me the
Nikon D200....the
bigger camera. The Nikon D40
was my
first professional type camera.
The D60
I bought from my daughter.

I have been having issues from
the beginning
with the D200 shots not being
as sharp
as the 40 and 60. Then I
had a long time
photographer friend of
mine tell me that it
could be the fact that the
D200 is older and
the lens I am using
came with the D40.
Makes sense, so for a bit
I think I will move
on and start using my 40
again. The 60 seems
to have a sticking button,
guess that is
what happens when you

use them a lot.

Now to move on...
Are you tired of seeing my
yard and garden
OOPS...I have more.

Actually this is not my yard.
My neighbor that property
backs up to mine...this is their.

I love rain drops.

This morning I went out and
my spiderwort was open again.

Today I did something I
never do....I spent 10.47
on a plant!
But it is one I have been
for so long.

Love it!

This baby was open this
morning and I noticed
that there are several bloom
about to bust out.

I love this arrangement.
I bought the metal
candle holder
several years ago at
and I have used it
as a pot holder for
my clay pots.

Decided to just sit it
in the garden.

Bought this a few
months ago
and I finally got
around to
putting it out.


When I went to buy
plants today
I forgot about this..

But I did put some
Marigold seeds in
it and we will see

if they grow.

See the little square spot
surrounded by bricks and
stepping stone I made...
I planted 4 o'clock seeds
there. I hope they
come up, I found them on
the sidewalk outside my
son's house in Calif. two
years ago...I hope they
come up.

Planted two pots of
moss rose.

I looked at my Hosta.
They take NO care at all
and I love them.

But they are so THICK
on the far end.
Have to take care of that

My stepping stones need
a good cleaning.

My bed around the
mailbox was
stuffed so I decided to
sit on the
ground and make it larger.

I planted seeds in that.

They love the shade and they
do so well in here under
the big tree.

Shot of my front yard from
the porch.

The front.
The left side is another home.
I live in a townhouse.
Been here 25 yrs, its paid
for, not leaving anytime soon.

The porch.

Back yard from the deck.


And the deck.
Should have moved the trash
can...I was out there working
and it holds my pots.

Would show the deck all fixed up
but right now it is not.
My daughter has things in my
shed and I have things on the deck
that need to be moved to my shed.
She is supposed to have it
cleaned out at the
end of the month.

It is official~
in the flower bed next to the
shed. If I decide on more
flowers I will need
a new bed and I am so
afraid my brother will quit
on me if I do. He cuts my yard and
things like that would get in the

Thanks for stopping in,



Liz A. said…
Lots and lots in the yard.
Darla M Sands said…
Less grass means less cutting, right? Just turn it all into garden, I say!
Cathy Kennedy said…

I need to see my pots with marigold seeds my late MIL passed me years ago. Last year they didn't come in very well. I hope I have better success this time. Your yard looks lovely! Oh yeah, nice camera collection, too!
Sally said…
I'd have no clue how to "work" on those cameras. In fact, now that I have a newer computer, I can't figure out how to transfer pics from my phone. ugh

Have probably said before that as much as I love flowers, especially roses the grasshoppers love them also; they chew holes in the leaves. Guess I'll try the newer fix I heard about; sprinkling flour. I'll let you know. LOL

You have a nice place, Pam. It was nice seeing your various plants, and obviously you have a green thumb.

Have a good weekend.
MadSnapper said…
Love all your beautiful flowers and also your neighbor's flowers and never get sick and tired of seeing flowers. The thing I like the most and all of your photos is the screened in porch on the back of your house and I want one just like it
Ann Thompson said…
Love all your photos. What a nice yard you have. I wish I was better at planting flowers and keeping a garden. I have a habit of killing anything I plant

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