True Story Tuesday - Joe's Crab Shack

A few years back I was in Florida visiting
friends a few days after my February
birthday. While I was there Michael
decided that for my birthday several
of us would go to Joe’s Crab Shack
for my birthday…….

You have to understand this relationship
a bit before I go any further with this
story. Michael and I were old high
school friends, we went 26 years with
no contact then we reconnected via our
school website. I live in Nashville and
he lives in Jacksonville. So it was a
long distance relationship with him
driving here and me flying there.

Michael has a beautiful daughter by
his ex wife Tammy. He and his ex- wife
had a good relationship.

Anyway, on the trip to Joe’s Crab Shack
was Michael, his daughter, his ex wife,
Tammy and I. Little did I know that
Tammy had told the waitress that it
was my birthday, so after dinner they
came to the table to sing to me……I so
hate that stuff. But at Joe’s you don’t
just get a song, you have to perform.

Yes, I said I had to perform! I had a
choice by the waitress to either do a
hola hoop or ride a stick pony through
the place! Hey, I am always up for a
good laugh so I went for the pony!

Yes, I did. I jumped on that stick pony,
rode it around, whopping it up and
laughing my butt off. Now if you
read the True Story post last week
you would have read about the trip
we took with friends and my pole
dancing for a t-shirt. Now I have
to think back on our relationship
and wonder to myself…………are
these the reason’s we are not
together anymore? LOL…..

Thanks for stopping in,


Shannon said…
Wow! You are brave!!!! I dread that kind of stuff too....want to melt under the table. Good for you for having fun with it!
Stacyonthecouch said…
You ARE brave. 2 great stories back to back ... but again ... where are the pics??

Brandi said…
Thank you for that PSA because now I know NEVER to go to Joe's on my birthday. However, I may have to take hubby on his. ;)
Rachel said…
You are such a good sport! I love your sense of fun and that you are willing to blog about those moments!

I'm with Stacy - where are the pictures? :)

Thansk for linking up for the laughs!

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