
Showing posts from March, 2025

March, Coffee and Bed, Truck and Fridge, Fireplace, Old Door and Misty

 Wow, for me, Feb, seems to have flown by so fast. Jan. seemed like three months long, but here we are, in March. My March started out  with coffee in bed. Yes, in  bed. That is not a normal for  me, but my bed feels like  a cloud and I was not ready to give it up. Matter of fact. I spent the  better part of the day  in that bed. I crocheted,  watched Yellowjackets,  loved on my babes, checked out FB some and did my  blogging. I did fold some clothes and put them away, made sure the girls had food and took BR breaks! Well, I did a thing the other day and the last time I  said that, I put an offer on  this house! lol I bought a truck. Love my SUV but for what I gave for this I knew it  was for me. I have been wanting one for the past yr. Things always come up that I need one for,  hauling rocks, wood, or the things I need to get to  my brother's house and pick up, you know, things like that. I also bought this ⇓⇓⇓...

Thanks, Paintings, Ball and Braden, Hummingbirds, Parmesan Cheese and Plants

 Thank you all for the nice words about my paintings. Those  were all oils and painted while I was in class. Since then I have started doing acrylic paintings, faster, dry's faster, and best to teach with.  These are just a few of  the acrylics.  These are some fun ones  I sat around and played with.  Did this one below  for my nephew.  The one below I  did for my SIL years ago. I am not that good with  faces or hands for the  matter so I try to paint the sides of faces or  from the back. It's ball time again. Braden played two games on  Thursday night. Braden got on the varsity team. But the JV team  needed a pitcher, so the  coach asked him to step in. He pitched a  shut out. At the end of Thursday nights games he was crowned  the GOAT! They give this chain to the best player of each game. This was one proud boy. After that, he played varsity.  They lost but that's okay,  so long as he ...