
Showing posts from February, 2025

Red Peppers, Lily and Misty, Whimsical Yard Decor, and Paintings

Hello fellow bloggers! You know I have been surfing FB again, and I found this. Very interesting. I found this not only interesting but funny. Now ladies, I ask you, how many times have you tried this? haha...moving on~ In the mornings, Lily Bit AKA  Lily Butt, AKA THE QUEEN, usually lets me know in the morning that I need to raise the blinds in the living room,  and again, in my room, so she can look out. This morning, after the said blinds were raised, she enjoys her view. Cats are like children, like toddlers mostly, always changing things up on you.  The newest change the girls have done was, Lily no longer wakes me in the morning. No longer runs across my  body, jumps up and hits the chain on the ceiling fan, or sits at the bedroom door meowing at me. The other part of this change is, my gray ball of fur wakes me. Unlike Lily's demands to  wake me, Misty just  gets in my face and tries nudging me. If that don't work, she has run across my body a time o...

Pet Store Critters, and Misty River

Really did not want to go  out on Tuesday but I knew,  since I had totally forgot to  get Lily's wet food a week ago, I  had to go out. I always have to go by and  check out the animals while in  the pet store. Today I watched the lizard/dragons. This guy below was so cute. He kept walking up and down in front of the  glass separating us, like he was showing off himself. The rest of the group  was hanging out  on the fake rock. After I loaded these pics to the blog page I noticed the  look on the face of the one in the rear. Looks like his/her  look was one of question, like they might be looking at the one prancing up near the glass and  wondering what he was doing. This group was snug all bunched up together. I thought this one inside the shell thingy was all  alone, but then I noticed the one on the very top. Check out this mini pig. That is what it looks like to me. I looked for the ferrets that I always visit but ther...

Cuddles, Bathroom, Smells, Odd Space, and Relaxing Time/Crafting Space

 Misty, my gray ball  of fur only comes to  cuddle on my chest every now and again. It's like she  is out growing that part of herself. But Monday morning, sitting and finishing my coffee, she comes out of the bedroom calling me. She will meow and it sounds like mama. This time not only did she call for me, she meowed out something that sounded like, "I love you"! But with that said, I  picked her up and hugged her, being left with her laying on my chest and  actually, cuddling some. Cuddles did not last long, but  I got some anyway and I  will take that. I saw this pic on FB,  yay or nay? For me, that would be a  NAY! Although I can appreciate  the two washing tubs which are prob antique, however, I would  want them outside with  flowers in them.  Well, okay, sitting here looking over the pic, that  is prob all I can appreciate! haha   Interesting. I see some interesting things on FB which I am sure  y...

Lily Bit with Nap Time, Sky and Lily Bit Again Later

  Hey all,  Not getting much done  these days but I made up my mind that I would get this project done. I bought this table  at a yard sale a few months back and although I like it, I decided I wanted another shelf on it, under the top one. I failed to take a pic of before, but here is  the after. Now to stain that board,  and then I am going to paint the legs and base. After struggling with such a  simple project (above), Lily Bit and  I went to bed to lay down a bit. First Lily had to knead which is a somewhat new to her,  then she laid  across my hip for  her head rubs.  After a few minutes I stopped rubbing and  we both went to sleep. Just seeing her lovely  face and a content look on it, it makes head rubbing so peaceful for me. I went out right before the sun went down to take the  trash out and check the  mailbox. As I was out I noticed, and I would have been blind to not notice, the sky. This was acr...