Red Peppers, Lily and Misty, Whimsical Yard Decor, and Paintings
Hello fellow bloggers! You know I have been surfing FB again, and I found this. Very interesting. I found this not only interesting but funny. Now ladies, I ask you, how many times have you tried this? haha...moving on~ In the mornings, Lily Bit AKA Lily Butt, AKA THE QUEEN, usually lets me know in the morning that I need to raise the blinds in the living room, and again, in my room, so she can look out. This morning, after the said blinds were raised, she enjoys her view. Cats are like children, like toddlers mostly, always changing things up on you. The newest change the girls have done was, Lily no longer wakes me in the morning. No longer runs across my body, jumps up and hits the chain on the ceiling fan, or sits at the bedroom door meowing at me. The other part of this change is, my gray ball of fur wakes me. Unlike Lily's demands to wake me, Misty just gets in my face and tries nudging me. If that don't work, she has run across my body a time o...