Cat Napping, Red, White and Blue, Day Lily, Friday Morning

Started to bed on Thursday night and looked over on the back of the couch to see this babe. She had her little head turned up. There are some times that she is tucked in at such a way that you can't tell where the head starts or ends. Feeling like CRAP on Thursday but feeling like I needed to do something, I made this. Only this one cause I pushed myself to do it. Picked up the stars at Dollar Tree, two to a pack for a buck 25. Two red, two blue and two white. So yep, I will be making another one. My middle grandson got a job for the summer. He works at a gas station/market stocking the cooler, taking out trash and etc. Four hours a day. But he starts at five, Amber is 30 mins away and don't get off till five, so Nana picks him up and takes him to work. When I did that on Thursday, then got home, before even going in the house I watered my plants. My Day Lilies given to me by Theresa are blooming and I have a TigerL...