
I was asked on here and
on FB and in person about 
why I did not wait till
spring to move...
I found this place is
why and really did not
wish to chance losing it.

Brand new, two lane little 
highway in the 
heart of 
Nunnelly TN!
I was asked would I have chickens
since I am outside the 
city limits, truth be know,
I am not sure there is a 
city limits!!
NO, to the FOWL
weathered friends.
I have me, and two
cats, I don't need
or want more to care for.

Its been crazy here, trying to 
do what I needed 
to do and still healing..
but I just excepted a contract 
on my house. 
The couple can not close till
Dec 12th and the guy I 
am buying from is willing to
This might be happening.

Not only have I been packing 
and preparing the house
to sell, I have contract workers
here. Remember the sewer back 
up I had in June, well, it was worse
than I thought, it traveled along 
the baseboards affecting
the paneling. Anyway, with 
right at 9000 bucks of work,
that will be done in a week.

Been nuts.

My body has been yelling at me,
but, sometimes you have to do
what you have to do to get
things done.
I have not been on my
Fibro meds at all.
That allows me ENERGY.
Energy to get things done.
But, the pain is peeking
and that means, back on meds.
Gotta pick the lesser of
two evils I guess.

Hoping all is well with 
all of you.
Hope to be back with you
before long.



BeachGypsy said…
This is a rough rough time for sure----but Hang in there, Pam!it will all be worth it! I think you're going to LOVE your new home!! Maybe you'll be in by Christmas
Ann said…
I'm so excited for you. That's awesome that the owner will wait until December.
Mari said…
IT's a lot! But congrats on the house. It's cute and I think it's going to be great. YOu just have to make it through this rough time.
One day at a time, next thing you know, you house will be sold and you will be in your new house!
Marie Smith said…
Quick Sal on the house, Pam. That’s great. Hope all proceeds as you hope and plan!
Sandee said…
I've got my fingers and toes crossed that everything works out and you get your dream home.

Have a fabulous day and week, Pam. Scritches to the kitties and healing hugs to you. ♥
Liz A. said…
I guess the universe wanted you to move sooner rather than later. It sounds like everything kind of fell into place for you. That's a good thing. Sorry you're feeling poorly throughout it all, but that's why you're moving after all, right?
Darla M Sands said…
I've been praying you aren't suffering too much during all this. ~hugs~ This house really looks ideal.
Jeanie said…
It sounds intense, Pam. But exciting. I hope everything goes well -- and do take care. It's OK to baby your body now and then to help it get through the rest of the move.

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