Dermo Doc Apt

Morning~ I touched on my skin issues on my blog days ago. I had an up coming doc visit with the dermo doc. I have always dealth with skin issues, basiscally all of my life I learned that as a small toddler I had issues with Ecemza. Most times kids will out grow this, but you know that with me that is not how things went. It will go dormit but it always pops back up. As a teen I had it on my forearms like this. Between my fingers, on the tops of my feet and between my toes. After years of just mild fareups I had it appear right after mom went into the hospital. I know when she was in ICU I was using hand sanitizer and that is hard on the skin. But stress also affects it. Treating it with over the counter meds just was not working. Problem also comes into play ~ is this the ecemza or discoid lupus which I developed in 2010. ...