A Birthday, Death and Birth

May 12, 2017

This would be my granny's bday.
We lost granny, my mom's mom
in Feb. of 1987.

Here is a pic of her holding my
daughter Amber when
she was only a month old, Jan. 1981.

My granny had started to slip
before Amber was born.
She had Alzheimer's.
But she was still aware of things
at this time and she
loved Amber so much.

Also today in 1987 I lost my
dad. So he has been gone 30 years today.
Amber, my daughter was his first
grandchild and he thought she
hung the moon.

This is daddy and Amber on Halloween.

This is Amber today. She is 36 now
with three boys of her own.

And this is my son (go figure)
Cory. I was pregnant with Cory
when both my granny and my
dad left us. Cory never got to
know either one since he came
into the world in July 1987.

I miss my dad even though we were not
esp. close and I really miss my granny.
Wishing I had talked to her more
about her life and her years
of growing up.

Granny had 7 children and
3 of them have moved on
to be with her in heaven.

Daddy served 23 years in the Navy.
There were 3 of us kids. Each
born in different places.
Ray in Memphis (Milton) Tn.
Mark in Fort Campbell Ky
and I was born in Calif.

Thanks for stopping in,

Hoping you are wearing your
purple today to show support
for those of us that
have Fibromyalgia !!!



Sally said…
It's so hard to lose our family members, so very hard.

My granddaughter was born the same year as your son; 30 next month. I can hardly believe it.

I was close to my grandmother and my dad. She passed in l978 at 104, and Dad in 1994.

Sharon said…
I think it goes that way with most of us, no interest in the past when we're young and sorry we didn't ask and now they're gone.
Those badaversaries are hard sometimes. Hugs.
Ann said…
It's not easy losing family members. Sometimes it seems like only yesterday that my dad was with use and then I realize that it's been almost 24 years. Your son was born the same year my son was
Debbie said…
sweet but difficult memories. it is during holidays like sunday that we become nostalgic. i wore purple today!!!!
Darla M Sands said…
So sorry your son never got to know them. As for purple, I may have a Marilyn Manson shirt with that color. Otherwise, it's underwear. ~rolls eyes~ Have you gotten Microsoft patches uploaded? If not, please do. I'm told there's an enormous cyber attack going on.
Red Rose Alley said…
It's nice that you got to know your grandmother, Pam. I was very young when my grandmother passed, and didn't know her much. These are treasured pictures, and it's nice that you still remember your grandmother's birthday.

MadSnapper said…
this is funny, you will see why when you see my post tomorrow, wanted you to know I did not copy yours, it is on auto post and I had to smile when I came here. great minds think alike. you have all your good memories to bring them back when ever you want. we do that a lot, talk about them like they are still here
Jeanie said…
This is quite a heart day for you, isn't it? Yes, I feel sad about losses that the people dearest in my life now never got to know either. A lovely tribute.
sage and spirit said…
It's so hard to lose the ones we love but they're always around, watching over us.
Liz A. said…
Amazing that 1987 was 30 years ago. Doesn't really seem like it's been that long. But no matter how long ago, we still miss those that have left us.

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