Phone Dump - July 10, 2015 - In No Special Order

Good morning!
Dumping of the phone as
become and interesting
practice to me.
I get to look back at what caught
my attention over the last
couple of weeks.
Like this for intance~
Potato Sticks.
I was in the dollar store the other
day and this caught my attention and
brought back memories.
My grandmother always seemed
to have these on hand.
Only the ones she had were in
the pop a top can.
Yes, I bought a bag of these
to munch on!
So silly but they tasted like
Interesting story ~
I was to retire the 31st of this month and
due to being offered a chance at a job
just 10 minutes from my home,
still with state government,
applying for that job and getting
I decided to not retire just yet.
My sweet aunt Martha is always
so positive in life sent me
a sweet card.
This was on the back of the
So sweet.
Love you aunt Martha.
Tuesday night after dinner at a friends
I headed to the ER.
Gotten a text from my daughter
that they thought my youngest
grandson had broke his foot.
Bless his heart.
Well, yes he did break it.
On the top of his foot,
not just in one place
but in THREE!
Kind of like this family, you do, you do
it up right!
He is so tiny that to keep him
from getting his foot wet his
mom gave him a bath in the
kitchen sink.
Yep, this is one photo
that will haunt him in life!
Firecrackers continued for
several nights after the 4th
in my neighborhood...
and being the KING don't
like them
I ended up holding him and
telling him all would be ok.
Met up with an old best friend
from high school days via facebook
a few months ago. She lives about an
hour or so from me but her dad lives
10 mins from me. She came
down to visit her dad yesterday
and brought me this!
Tube Roses!
I looked it up and it has the prettiest
flowers. It is about to bloom out
now. Can't wait.
She also planted me a hummingbird
vine in a pot and brought it up...
along with lots of bulbs for the Tube Roses!
New stuff to had to the yard.
Thanks Tammy.
I got a raise!
No actually I did with the up
coming job change but this is not
it. This is me messing around.
Mom went to a yard and bought a box of
thread which she gave to my sis in law
Lori since she is a quilter.
But I wanted the ones on the
wooden spools.
Looks so cool in the Ball
Close up.
Hair cut.
Not much...
just an inch or so.
We are still trying to the
banes grown out and
even with the sides.
I have been wearing
this style for a while.
Loving it.
Months and months ago I had
brown low highs added
to my gray. That has grown out
over half way down the hair
and faded to a light brown, yellow
look. Thanks to Kelley my
hair dresser sh soap capped it
and somewhat bleached out that color.
Not been able to try this out yet.
But looking forward to it.
Chris' mom, Linda picked this
up for me cause on FB its a well
known fact that I get eaten
alive from SKEETERS!
Blood suckers LOVE me.
Dark chocolate Dove candy piece!
Create a happy place!!
I have.....MY HOME!
I am truly happy there!
I found a new addiction...
iced coffee.
Not ever been a big coffee drinker
anyway but I have found that taking a
morning beta blocker, I have
to have a cup or around 10:30 each
morning I will pass out at my desk.
In the summer I really don't like drinking
hot stuff, so I tried ice coffee.
Yep, I like it.
But last night I picked up one
of these in attempt to make me
stop stopping at McDonalds for
their iced coffee.
Poured it over ice!
Morning route~
I get up, take shower,
grab clothes and head downstairs
where I turn on the news...which
by the way this is the only time I watch
the news. I hear way too much bad
crap in the morning that I will not
watch it at night, weekends or days
off.....its like a get away.
Okay, with that said, once the KING
hears the tv cut on, he drags out of
bed and heads downstairs to curl
up next to me while I sit and put
on makeup. This is becoming
an every morning site
when I get up to finish getting ready!
Yep...he is a mess. 
When I went to work for the TN Bureau
of Investigation 7 yrs ago I was
working in the Medicaid Fraud Unit
with two other admin assistants....whom
became fast friends.
A month ago, Deborah had a mild
heart attack and had surgery. With work
that comes in daily for both admins in there
now, I was asked to help out in there.
No an issue as I see it. But I am having
to do most of that work as overtime.
I work in there at lunch and some after work.
This has been my title since I worked
in there and Cindy (other admin) wanted
to remind me that I am the WOMAN!
Going to really miss those ladies.
Love crepe myrtle bushes.....esp the red!
I planted on a couple years ago but it
has not bloomed yet. This one is out
side the bldg I work in. Love, love, love!
I want this to dry up and die so I can pluck that
bloom and save the seeds for my garden next yr!
I can have a part of TBI with me in my garden
that way!
Those reading this that don't know of this story let
me fill you in.....
Late in the 90's there was a serial killer running
around the area I live in. He was dubbed the
Fast Food Killer.
He hit Captain D's first killing a young
man and 16 year old girl. The girl
attended school with my daughter at the time.
I correct myself, Captain D's might not
have been his first, there was a string of
robberies where someone was killed that
were never solved for sure.
But awhile after Captain D's came
McDonalds, right down the street from
where we used to live and less than 10 mins from
our home now. I was a teen when this McDonald's
was built. My older brother worked this McDonalds
in the 70's when Nashville was more innocent.
There a young 16 yr old girl was shot in the
back of the head, her name was Andrea Brown.
Years before, in a Brownie Troop I was a co leader,
I met Andrea and her sister April then. Both sweet
girls. Parents very nice and loving to the girls.
My daughter continued through school
with Andrea after that, until the day she
was murdered. I got up to get ready for
work one morning when I heard about the
late night killings on the news. I woke my
daughter to tell her when she looked at me
and said she had friends that worked there.
First thing out of my mouth was that being
school aged and through the week they were probably
not working that night, my daughter then reminded
me it was spring break!
I heard on the way to work that Andrea
was one of the ones shot.
So recently when this book came out
both Amber (my daughter) and I wanted
to read it. I now would rather my daughter
(now 34) not read it.
It's written from evidence and how
the investigators believe the crimes
went down. I sit here with goose bumps
and tears as I have read it and so far I
have just covered the Captain D's murders.
She assures me she will put it down
if it gets to much for her.
Anyway...I have more reading to do.
That concludes this PHONE DUMP.
Hope you learned something!
Thanks for stopping in,


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