Nashville TN - Presidents Day - Feb. 16, 2015

Been waiting on snow all winter.
Been waiting on a good one for several years.

But here in Nashville we live on that
where it can either go north or south and
we usually don't get anything.

They were saying 2-4, 4-6
and one station said maybe
12 inches....

How about 2 inches of ICE.
Started in the early morning hours and
went till about 2 today. 

Then the ice started to get really heavy
on the trees before the snow started.
I went out after this event..

Pretty good size limb from the tree short of 
the deck...thank goodness!
It hit the steps on the way down but
not any damage!

Took some of these pics when
I went out to see if there was
any damage done.

You have to admit that ice makes
great pics!

So with ice about 2 inches thick and 
coating of snow....
I pretty much know that I will
not be going out in the morning
to work.

Thanks for stopping in,


I've been in touch with Jamie checking on the weather down there. It sounds awful, but sure makes for pretty pictures.

We got about 10 inches of snow, that isn't going anywhere anytime soon due to the bitter cold.
stay warm and safe Pam!

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