Our Loss, Heaven's Gain

Its been awhile since I was on here blogging. Last
year I was doing that 365 day thing where I
posted something everyday. I started it again
this year even though I thought I should not....
should have went with my heart on this one for
I failed! Not getting 365 days out of
me this year.

My family suffered a loss this past week.
On August 16, 2011 my aunt Carolyn past
from this earth to the heaven above. An I
must say Heaven gained a new angel that day.

My aunt was healthy for a 72 year old woman that
raised three children and was married to her
husband for 53 years. She was healthy except
for the mind robbing alzheimers that had started
to eat at her slowly. She had her good days
and she had her bad. But on the 16th she went in
her sleep from a heart attack. She went without
pain, she just past quietly away. There is nothing good
about losing someone but like her daughter said,
she left us before the alzheimers had the chance to
rob her of her memory anymore then it did.

I spent a many a days at my aunts house with my cousin
Kathy when we would go to visit in Georgia. My aunt
Carolyn was the first to introduce me to a mayo and
tomatoe sandwich.....oh thank you Aunt Carolyn.

She had a soft speaking voice and a caring heart that
was full of love for her children, grandkids and her
7 great grandkids. She has left us all with memories
that we will carry with us as we hold her close
to our hearts. She will be truly missed.

Thank you for stopping in,


I am so sorry for your loss Pam. Your aunt Carolyn sounds like a wonderful person.
Alzheimer's is a terrible disease. I am glad she went peacefully.
My thoughts are with her children and the rest of your family.

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