Funeral, Trip To, Growth, Untouched Items, and Resetting
Headed to Hermitage, my old stomping grounds. Do you sometimes wonder if you are not suppose to get somewhere cause things just seem to keep delaying you? I do, when I was younger I did not listen to those events but now I do. Yesterday, I knew I had to head to town, and there was two reasons for going, to be with Julie and to say good bye to her brother, Wayner. However, the last two weeks have been hard, but I pushed that behind me and got ready, but only after I sit there and lost track of time. I had already taken my shower, but there was makeup and getting dressed. I managed, after years of doing this for work, I have the makeup down to a science. Deciding on what black dress to wear was a little harder. It's a woman thing, to have more than one black dress and do have issues deciding which one to wear. All that done, I headed out the door and part of the way down the road, I realized I forgot my handkerc...