
Bookcase Redo and Great Grandkids Clothes

THIS IS LIFE when Pam  feels  BETTER!!!  I have had this small bookcase for years.... YEARS actually. It belonged to my ex hubs granddaddy. It was a reddish color wood, but  I painted it several yrs ago. Amber sanded it down some time ago and I decided to paint it. Dummy me, I know that with paint that dark I need to  prime it first, but somehow I  let that escape me. I started to paint, after a couple of coats I realized that it was not going to cover well at all. First, the problem of no primer was not helping things along but also, the paint was not right. I bought it several months  ago, but was not the issue cause I stirred it up and even shook it up all the way, but it was like water.  This is the first paint I have bought since COVID so  I don't know if this is a  thing now or not. Anyway, after several coats I  decided to do something different.    I applied wallpaper to it. I am really pleased with it. And it is perfect for my paints. Now, to continue to work  on that room

Cold and Coffee, Lilys View, Misty Sleeping and Dinner

 BURRRR.... It was really cool out Tuesday, and I love it. Although, it was a tad too  cool for me to sit out and watch tv or read. I did go out though in the early morn to have coffee, but it  did not last long. I have a small table in my room that the tv sets on when its  not on the deck, the girls love having it in front of the window so they can  look out.  Saturday when Amber and I  got in from  yard selling,  we pulled in the driveway and  Lily ran and jumped up on  the table, looking at us. On Tuesday morning she  was checking out the morning. She preferred that better than being on the deck in the  early morn. Actually, she did not go out much at all  on Tuesday. Misty, never set foot on the deck that day!! This is how Misty spent the better part of the day. This girl sure can sleep! She likes to eat also. Amber is cooking a new  meal tonight, and I was invited to come try it out. I love  street corn.  YUM. I asked, as always, what I could bring and was told nothing, so  I have

Changes and Misty

 OH YES!!!! We went from  87 on Sunday to a high  of 65 Monday, and I loved it. I had a couple of errands to run, then I picked up my Wally World grocery order and when I had  that put away, I took  a short nap. After my nap, I really was not worth anything so Lily and I hung out on the daybed out on the deck. I flipped on the tv and  watched a couple movies in between coming in  and doing a few things. Misty, NOPE,  she never even came out, she hates the cool temps. But speaking of Misty, this was her last night, stretched out on  my bed with me last night while I read before bed. She was comfy and sleeping so hard. It was all I could do  to not pick her up and love on her. Hope you have a  great day, Pam  

Kitty Love, Fantastic Buy, Coffee, VIew, Wreaths and Pissed

 I really do think  that this girl loves her mom. Saturday, Amber and I went  yard selling. No kids, her hubs did  not go. We left at 8:15 am and got back home around 1:30. We hit some great sales. Amber was able to find some pants and shirts for work and we found some clothes for a couple of  the grandkids. I found this. Lady had a yard sale last weekend, Friday this week and Sat., she did not want to put  stuff away! I got the table for five bucks! Best buy of the day! Got a cake carrier for a buck. Brand new.  A shirt at another place, and some grapevine wreaths. After Amber and I finished shopping I took Amber to lunch. We had a great day. I started Sunday morning on the front porch with this cutie and his fun smile. Then I moved in to  blog and FB, sitting in the  corner of my sectional, which is mine and Misty favorite spot. I usually give my spot up for her to curl up in and  take her morn nap. But while sitting there this morn, I look out the front  storm door and here is my vi

Two Great Grands, Northern Lights, Sister Witches and Gray Ball of Warm Fur

 Felicity's mom took a  sneak pic of me reading to Felicity. Look at these two sweeties. Felicity At 2.5, this girl is a mess. Talks your socks off. I can understand just about everything this little smarty pants says, and she does say a lot. She eats really well also. She loves food. I walk in the door and she says, "nana Pam"! Alistar (Boog) Little bit about Boog~ his mom is  Triniti, my grandsons GF. He is six and when I met him at 3.5 he did not talk. He is on the spectrum of Autism. He started opening up a couple years ago with therapy and look at  him now. He is school and the  structure of school is helping him so much.  He talks, him and I played tickle last night. He lights up when I speak to him and  that smile...beautiful. He spelled his name for me last  night, the only thing I can't get  from him, but maybe one  day, a hug. I am so proud of him, he has come so far. Two times in a year I have been able to view the Northen  Lights in  Tennessee. I am a tad

Coffee with a Friend, Beautiful Ball of Gray Fur, Snake and Diamonds

 Morning to all. We were both just chilling on Friday morning for coffee! The other night my gray ball of fur was checking me out through the flowers on the  coffee table! Such a sweetie girl. Later she jumped over  to lay behind me on the couch. Such a seriously beautiful  babe! I went out on the deck Friday to throw bread over for birds, a bird was not what I spotted though. A black rat snake, harmless. Kills unwanted  mice and rats. Got the cutest card in  the mail. I have decided that my friends are  the  DIAMONDS of my LIFE. This is from Julie and James from the venue.  How sweet was that? Do you get random cards in the mail? Or random gifts? I love my diamonds!