
Weeds, Clouds, Elephants and I Have a Secret

 Do you have a fence row that needs to be weeded, or grass coming up in your gravel driveway? I don't like using chemicals to tame the weeds. I use the ingredients above and this is how the internet says to mix them.  Using vinegar on weeds is a safe way to get them out of your garden. - 1 gallon white vinegar - 1 cup salt or Epsom salt - ⅛ cup dish soap I sort of just measure by eye to mix mine. I was using it in a spray bottle but the pumping of the spray was wearing out my hand. I found that an empty dish washing liquid bottle works great and helps you get the mixture right down on the roots. Give it a try if you are in need of doing away with WEEDS. Wed. I had to make an apt at Fast Pace to see the doc. I was not feeling my best, course not really sure what my best is, but anyway I was not feeling great on Mothers Day. But I made the best of my day. Monday, I felt worse, laid around and slept most of the day. Then around five, I got up covered in sweat. I realized my prob on

Coffee with Lily, Swimming with the Fish, DJ and B

 Wednesday morning from my home in Nunnelly. Coffee to get my morning started... I think Lily could use  a cup of coffee, looks like she is suffering a hangover!! Notice Misty's glove laying to the  side of the couch. haha....this girl really sleeps when she sleeps! haha...check this out! A memory that popped up on  my FB page today (Wed). 2006 in Cozumel,  swimming with the dolphins. Such fun.  Aren't kids so funny with the  same things they say? Like the other day when B said the cottage cheese came running out of the fridge at him.  Amber called last night to  tell me that DJ signed up for art in school next year. His mom asked him could he even draw and he said no, but Nana can! lol Yep, but Nana will not be doing his work for him. When B was going to  Alternative school, he got in the car one morn  and I reached out and mussed up his hair. He reached over and mussed up my hair. That is our thing with each other.....I do his hair, he does mine! Its nice to have  OUR thing.

Ball of Fur, Cable Box Warmer, Sharing my Bed, Tic Tac Toe, and Poles

 My ball of beautiful  fur! How comfy can she get? And yet again..... Talk about comfy.....she loves the cable box! Two mornings in a row,  I go to make the bed and  this is how I found  my girls. Same bed, same time, and so close together. The other night I was  sitting and doing nothing,  and felt the need to get up  and do something, so I made a Tic Tac Toe  board for the  deck.  Easy! I used a cutting board from Dollar Tree, $1.25. A bag of glass beads, in  which I took a Sharpie and  marked five with a O and  X on five. Painted the lines on with  a paint pen. The letters, vinyl letters. Going to seal it, find a  bag for the glass rocks and  BAM it will be ready for the deck. I had a great day on Sat. I worked out in the yard some. DJ augered the holes for  my wood poles and Braden helped me mix up the concrete to  pour around the  poles.  This one will be for  holding my hose. I have a large hook to  put on here.  I placed it here cause the  faucet is to the right. This pole is up

Mothers Day Lunch and Gift, Braden and Cat Tunnel, Water Bowl, and the Northern Lights

 Mother's Day lunch made by my daughter, Amber. Roast with taters and onions,  with green beans and cream  taters. Amber, my son Cory and  DIL Britney got me the cutest gift, a digital  photo album. I LOVE IT. At the beginning of the pics there is this...   I love that dedication! Braden playing with the  cat tunnel.  That boy is a mess. When the storms came through,  I put out a large bowl water for  her dog.  Misty apparently, don't like large bowls of water. She thinks it  is a large toy. Wonder where she found two  rubber bands and a bread tie. Friday night here in middle Tn. we were able to view  the Northen Lights.     Never thought I would be able to view this... Love it! I had never seen the  Milky Way either until I  was on Palomar Mountain in California in 2018.  It was just Cory and I up there  at this time and he pointed it out to me. It is amazing what nature can do. Have a fantastic day, Pam

Headaches, Learning Times, Rocks, and Lizards

HEADACES!!! We all get them and there was a time that I could function with  them. I used to have Common Migraines,  I basically had a headache  EVERYDAY. CPAP machine cured that. But I also have Fibro  headaches, allergy headaches and thanks to the accident in 2019, I continue to suffer from whiplash headaches. Yes, along with daily pain. Couple of weeks now, I have been having neck pain and  headaches. I finally realized that it was starting in the neck and  causing the head to hurt. Chiro treatment has stopped working.  I tell you this to tell you about  my Friday. I had the neck pain, and the headaches which seemed to cause my pain all over to flare. I did nothing but lay on the couch. I hated it too cause it was  BEAUTIFUL  outside, cool, sunny and  so nice. Then comes Saturday,  BEAUTIFUL  outside, cool, sunny and  so nice.... but no neck or head pain, just my normal everyday pain. I got so much done!! There is no rhythm or reason to how FIBRO affects you, your body, your pain or