Not Productive Day

Yesterday I got out. 
I drove to Lebanon which is about 25
mins from the house. 
It was a pretty day but it was humid.

Found this in my subdivision. Yep....I am not feeling
this at all. 
You all know I love PURPLE...
but I am not sure I ever touched base
with you on what color I dislike the most...

And in a car.....never should be. 

Got to Lebanon to the Habitat for 
Humanity Rehab store. I was dropping off
cans of paint that have been used but still had
a pretty good bit in them. 
Got there and was told they could not
take them, they were full up on paint.
I bit my tongue cause I called the day
before and got their recording during working
hours and told them what I wanted. Had they
called me back I could have saved a trip!
I was a bit ticked off but I was nice about 
it. So now I have about 10 cans of paint
in my car and no where to take it. 

On the way home I saw this.....
so cute. 

I got home and chilled for a bit. Been really
tired, the Fibro does that to you. So I laid down
thinking I would nap but never could go to sleep.

Got up and saw this site. She lays in the strangest 
ways sometimes.....look at those long back legs.

Later I went out with my friend Theresa for dinner.
We drove by Jessica's new place (niece) and I took
a pic of the sold sign. Jessica has been waiting for 
them to put this sign up. I guess it makes it feel more
like this is going to happen! haha

Sent her the pic via text.

Driving home was so surprised and shocked
to see this. 

A beautiful home on the main road up for auction.
The home, barns and 75 acres.
Going to sale them off in 7 acre tracks.

I so ate seeing this change coming down the road.
This places has been there for as long as I 
can remember and I hate seeing all that land
built up. 

Turned in my subdivision and saw this sign.
HAHA....I actually saw this last yr and was not
sure what was going on. 
Mt. Juliet high in the next county from me (my
subdivision is in two counties)....does this for a fund

That feels so different to me....strange!

The end of yesterdays venture out. 

But I have to include this pic....
the other day I was up trying to work in 
the craft room....organizing and getting rid
of stuff. I had company the whole time but whe
I looked over and saw my supervisor sleeping
on the job I was stunned! haha....

By the way all your cat owners since this is all new
to me I will be asking you ladies questions from
time to time.....
Question~ why does Lily feel the need to watch me
clean out her litter box? She will hear me in there and 
come running every time.....what is up with that?

Thanks for stopping in, 


Rhodesia said…
It is so sad when green areas become a mass of housing, I just hate it. It also puts more traffic on the roads!! Take care Diane
Darla M Sands said…
Some day we're going to have no farmland left, I swear. Hope you feel better, my dear. As for Lily's behavior, I've not seen that specifically. The biggest thing I've noticed over the years is that you cannot predict a cat's behavior. Just when I think I've figured them out, the girls change up on me. ~grin~ Be well!
MadSnapper said…
I am with you on the color pink, we have a pink plumber truck here, or trucks. that is the name of the business Pink Plumbing and if we use it they donate to cancer... that is a beautiful home, I hope they are selling it because they want to and did not lose it. I agree about building up all the land, we have exploded down here
MadSnapper said…
I wish I could sleep like Lily and look as cute
Liz A. said…
The owner of the pink car: is she a Mary Kay seller? That's the big prize for those who do well, I understand.
Ann Thompson said…
I would never want to drive a pink car. I wonder if the person who owns it is a Mary Kay cosmetics salesperson.
When I had cats they used to come running when I cleaned the litter box too. I guess they just like to use a clean bathroom lol
The building and over building here in NE Texas is so bad that people in places like Frisco TX (north of Dallas) are all complaining that they don't want anymore companies relocating here. McKinney was always number 1 or 2 on the list of Best Small Towns To Live In until last year when they were dropped off the list. Too big now because too many people moved there! I think the problem is the states like California (I was a native until 1995) are over taxing and over regulating their businesses and people so everyone is heading for states with no income taxes or low taxes.
Sharon said…
Pepto Pink - Yuk! I do not like that pink, or lavender for that matter.
I don't care if I look cute when I sleep, maybe I'm strange.
I also hate to see the farmland all built up, but folks need places to live - I hope it never gets as built up as some of those 3rd world countries.
Dewena said…
We drove to a couple of adjoining small towns this afternoon and I couldn't help hating to see signs in front of old homes that are now being sold as commercial property. We passed 3 self-storage places and I wondered how many more will be there in a year or two, or industrial properties. But there's no going back to the way it used to be, progress moves forward.
Sally said…
I'm sorry you haven't been feeling well, and that's a bummer about the paint!

No pink car for me, but I do kind of like pink.

Don't we all wish we could sleep like your kitty. I have no idea about cats as I've always been allergic to them.

Not much land left around these parts either. So sad. :(

Feel better, Pam.
Debbie said…
Those auction signs tear at my heart strings, especially when it is a large parcel of land. I wonder if it is a foreclosure?

I hope you are feeling better, summer + heat and humidity = many health discomforts!!

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