Another This and That Post

I have friends always tagging
me on facebook on cute things
they see.

I got this one the other day.
So now I am on the look out
for hub caps! HAHA

Here is another one.
Simple paint job with birdhouses
attached to the branches!

Something else I was tagged in the
other day. My friends know me,
what can I say! Problem
with this, my covered deck would
not get enough light to solar
up the solar lights.
And I have no where to actually
hang it outside.

Now this....adorable!

I am a doer...or at least I used
to be a doer and those days
are getting harder and harder for
me to do!

With that said, this is what
I had planned on doing for
my kitchen.
I was only going to have
four lights hanging from
mine and hanging
over the table.

It would not take anything
to build the box but since then
I have actually come up
with another version for the
kitchen light.

Picked this one up for $20.
Planning on spray painting
it a bronzed color.
The globes will go
and it will be revamped
with ball jars.

Something like this only my
jars will go hanging down.
Something about this look
below bothers me....could be that
the word BALL on the jars
is upside down.

I have posted this before and
Ann at
asked about it.

So Ann~ this is something that
I made. I have seen things somewhat
like this but I made my own version.
It is basically for decoration of course and
it looks cool blowing in the wind.
You do them any colors you wish.
Beads usually tie off the bottom
but I wanted something heavier,
hence the washers. I have seen
them with the longer piece in the
middle with shorter ones on the
side. But I liked this one also.

Hosta about to bloom!
Funny thing, they are purple
blooms, which I love but they
are tall and little blooms and
to tell the truth I actually love
the plant without the bloom.

I posted this the other day when Amber
gave it to me for Mothers Day.
Look how much it has opened
up so more. I love it.

Now....for those of you with sicky
tummies you might want to stop
reading now.

About two months ago I found a
raised blood blister on my
pinky finger.
I have not had a blood blister
in YEARS. The problem comes
into play with that fact that while
messing around and doing some
stuff I ripped the raised blood blister
open. It bleed, and bleed and
bleed. I have been keeping
it covered but a few days ago
I was letting the finger breathe.
And YES, I ripped it off again!
 Now, it is not looking like a blood
blister should look. It actually
looks gross to me.

see how raised up it is below.

It is very sore and I am
tired of keeping it covered.
So...I made an apt with
my dermo doc
Can you believe that I can't
get an apt till June 1! HAHA
Hope I still have a
pinky come then!
Seriously thinking that it
needs lancing and maybe
a stitch or two put in.

Now, with all that let me just
say, if anything can happen
that is strange
then it will happen to me for

Thank you for stopping in for
a visit,


Pam, I'm sorry about your finger. It's something how long it takes to get an appointment with a doctor these days. Maybe you could ask them if they have a cancellation to give you a call. I did that recently and got in to see the doctor much sooner.
I really like the cute ideas you posted. The painted sheds are so clever. I love those ball light fixtures. Could you turn the chandelier upside down so Ball is upright? Maybe it would need rewiring? Whatever you do with it will be great, I'm sure. Have a great week and be careful of your finger. ♥
Anonymous said…
These are all great ideas. The hub caps are cute as can be!
I'm sorry about your finger. There is always a long wait for an appt. with our dermatologist, too. I hope you rest soundly tonight.
Sharon said…
I saw the hub cap art and thought of you. :-)

Your hosta is so lush and green.

The word Ball upside down would probably make me a little goofy. :-)
Some really cute ideas! Love the hubcaps and the chandeliers. My daughter gave me her old one and I was thinking of painting it and adding jars for battery candles for outside under the trees. There are so many ways they can be used. Love the planter one. Your finger looks very ouchy. Antibiotic ointment and a band-aid for you, young lady! I found some finger protectors at the drug store when I got bit by my daughter's puppy a while back. They look like prophylactics! haha! But they work great to waterproof a wrapping when doing dishes or in the shower. xx Karen
Cathy Kennedy said…

I've seen the light globes done with Mason jars - very cool idea! I also like how they are used as luminaires. I hope your finger is okay and heals soon. I haven't had a blood blister in a long time, either.

You've been nominated for the Mystery Blogger Award by little ole me. Stop by my site to check it out, HERE for details! This is meant to be fun, so if you wish to not accept then you won't hurt my feelings. Have a funtastic day!
MadSnapper said…
I like all the things that you were tagged with and they all look like beautiful things that you could easily do. I'm with you I like the jars hanging down not upside down. Can't wait to see what you do with the one you got for $20 period I got a blood blister a week ago but not near as big as that it was paying I pinched my finger in the water faucet outside turning it off. Yes I can believe that about the appointment my husband had a biopsy done on skin cancer last week and it came back yesterday melanoma and his surgery is not until June 9
So many clever ideas, Pam. I like the beads blowing in the wind.
Darla M Sands said…
My hairdresser suffers oddities like you, poor dear. She once got measles inside her eyes. ??? I hope that finger gets better and your health lets you be the doer you *still* are. ~hugs~ Be well!
Sally said…
Oh no, your finger. I sure wish you could see the dermo sooner than that, Pam. It looks so painful, and I think you're right, he'll probably lance it and stitch!

I absolutely love coming to your blog; you write interesting things, and post the cutest ideas. Love, love the hubcaps. I just wouldn't know how to draw (or use wire, whatever that is). lol

Take care of you!

Liz A. said…
Had to skip the end as I am squeamish. Great project ideas.
Debbie said…
ooooh that finger, yuck, it looks painful!!! really cute stuff, really cute - love the light fixture!!!
Ann Thompson said…
Love those hubcap flowers. Thanks for reposting about the bead things. I like those. That finger looks painful. Crazy that you have to wait that long for an appointment
Jeanie said…
You are so disciplined not to lance it yourself! And those hubcap flowers and trees are fab!
Red Rose Alley said…
Pam, love that house with the tree branches, it's so creative. And the turquoise hanging fixture is cool for displaying flowers. I like the mason jar chandelier too. Please take care of that blister. You are special to us. : )


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