Major Hall - Metal Artist

This past weekend I was taken
to by the guy I am dating to meet
an old friend of his,
Major Hall.
Major is an amazing metal artist.
He has the coolest vision.
His work blew me away.
This is one of the first designs he did.
He has another that has glasses, I was
so amazed I missed talking
a lot of pics.
The one with the glasses was one I
The head turns also!

I loved this view.

Check out the bonnet on this one.
She also had on an apron with
a big bow tied in the back.

I love, love, love this guy.

Inside the home, vases
made from a set of truck

A horn from an old car made into
another vase.

Major did not make this but
I had to have a pic.
Love it.
Coffee table.

This was made by another artist,
apparently the artist will barter
for each others pieces.
Check out the beak!

Famous piece...
this piece was on Talk of
the Town.

Found little things hidden all over.


Found these two pieces on a wooden
table on the deck.
Found the cool water feature outside
of the deck.
Flying outside of the work
This adorable hummingbird was
also in the same area as the
from the work building we ventured off
to the barn.
Rust...I just love the rusty look.

And I totally fell in love with these.
Amazing pieces.
Want one so bad but sure that is
an expense I can live without.
But once again, an amazing

The view from the back of the
Oh my gosh...

Major walked me down to the lake to see it
all and of course I
snapped the view from the lake to the
Door entering part of the barn.
This area had an old fashion cast iron
stove, table and chairs and other stuff
for the grandkids to play when they

Of you see that red chair in the pic
above? Major and I both
had to sit, I sat there in that chair.
Wow...he wore me out on the tour of the place.
Caught this view from my seat.
Just a shot of the barn window.

another item at the barn,

I was enjoying sitting in my chair just
looking around and taking
Pray mantis

Frog with a dragonfly on his tongue.


Another dog.

The cooker grill.
Has pig head on this side,
chicken on the other.
He is going to mount
a cow on the front....
And the bell.

There was so much more but I got so
side tracked with all there was.
I was also impressed to learn that Major
has a piece in the Smithsonian, designed
and made a Christmas ornament for the
White House Christmas tree in 2002 and
he is in a coffee table book.
Very impressive gentleman and
his wife Anna was so lovely.
Thanks Chris for taking me up to meet
Major and Anna. Major and Anna thanks
for the tour.
Thank you for stopping in,


wow! so many great items. I of course love the benches. :)

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