TP Commercial

I have recently been seeing a commercial for……
now leave it to me to forget or better yet not
pay attention to who puts the commercial out!
Anyway, its about toilet paper.

Yes, you heard me, we are talking TP.
The jest of the commercial is which
way you put the roll of TP on the spindle.
The question being “over” or “under”.

Now my guess is going to be that some
of you are going to have to stop and think
about this one. Okay, stop reading long
enough to run and check yours out. I
will wait…………………, that was fast,
back already?

I don’t have to think about it, I go for
over. To me it is easier to pull it off rolling
over then it is to pull it up from under.

I really don’t think it matters to most
but to others (OCD others) it matters.
I don’t care if I go into your bathroom
and find yours “under”, and I am not
going to change yours around, although
an OCD friend of mine said he would,
Danny you are a mess!

With this said and done I ask you
“over” or “under”?

Thanks for stopping in!


Rachel said…
LOL. I have to say that most moms with toddlers in the house might answer "under" - for the simple reason that it's harder for them to sit there and spin all the TP off the roll! :)

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