Deck Time - Coffee/Hammock/Animals/Candy/ RAINS ART DATE -

MORNING! For those of you sweet bloggers that have been following me since last summer you know being retired I started all my mornings on the deck with coffee, laptop and furbabes. With that said you also know that the deck was slow in coming around this yr. Usually I had it ready in March and would bring a throw out to cover up with on cooler morns. Yep, got the deck up and going last week. But with the way life has been my heart was not in it. Course working now throws that off also. Well, IT'S FRIDAY and I don't work so here I am~ (for those wondering..haha if any- that is a clay pot sauce that I painted last yr for coasters on the deck)... Coffee on the deck! I had planned on making it to TN School for the Blind's graduation this morning but I stayed out on the deck late last night and due to CRAP I mean, beautiful spring like items in bloom...