Donelson Art Crawl and Elvis Lives

I love FESTIVALS and apparently Art Crawls! Donelson is just right outside of where I live and in the fall and spring it has an art crawl. I was in the spring one but I wanted to get a feel of what it was all about in Donelson so this time I just went and enjoyed. Robins Gallery... Loved this. Art Entertainers. More art work. Meet Tracie Grace Riesgo. I met Tracie last crawl when we were sat up in the same area. Such a sweetie and the most amazing water colors. Talented! These are photos on canvas. Beautiful. And this is Duane Deemer. Met him at the spring crawl, he was also in the same area as Tracie and I. I love this.....found it on PINTEREST! LOL Look....ELVIS does live... at GOODWILL! LOL Now the prize. A friend is moving and she wante...