
Showing posts from July, 2024

Tiger Lily and Tiger Lily, Broken Leg, Sun and Moon, Gnome, Fairy and Tulip

 You all seen enough pics  of Lily to know that she is  a colorful girl. She has orange and black  in the makeup of her fur. She has orange spots on her  ear, the sort of reminds me  of the Tiger Lily above. Check out her ear. The Flower named a Tiger Lily and a cat carrying that  same name. Tuesday I was worthless.  But wiht that said, I did sit and  mess with watercolors. I have a friend that fell and  broke her leg so I made up a  card for her. An old friend and my  boss for a few years in Printing has  health issues, but I have  not been in touch with her for a bit basically dur to my health. Another  friend tried calling  her and never can  get her. We don't know if she is living with a  cousin these days or what? I looked it up and  her house has not sold so I thought I would  send her a card and  maybe it would be  forwarded on to her, so maybe I locate her.  Here is the card I sent her. Then I just thought i would paint some to be painting. I love gnomes. A fairy. And a tul

Flowers and Misty

It bloomed. Theresa gifted me with a Tiger Lily months ago. I was happy to see it bloom. The orange, with the dark spots is like my  Tiger Lily, AKA Lily Bit. The flower above did not grow wild on my property but this one did, right inside the tree line of my home. The app Picture This tells  me that this is a Caroline Wid Petunia. I have some of this growing  in a pot but this one came from my forest. Wild Bachlors Button. I remember my mom telling me that my great aunt Agusta loved these flowers. I was excited to see this in  bloom, coming up in my driveway  through the gravel. This is Atlantic Pigeon Wings. Isn't that a cool bloom. This came out of my wild seed flowerbed. It was a dud, off brand seeds, so what did grow is weak and sparse. It is a Garden Catchfly. These plants are now in a vase, but as they die off I will harvest the seeds. Pics of some before I clipped them and brought them in. Loved this shot with my fairy in it. This is the fairy whose legs got  broken off whe