This Week In My Life

Its a summer all over!
Today mid 90's in TN
with the heat index between
100 to105!
The humidity is

I love my air conditioner!

My FAVE all time
movie is celebrating 
its 80th anniversary
this year!

(internet pic)

Not sure if you know
the story behind my family
and the Wizard of Oz but
it started with this movie
being my all time fave.

This movie came on once
a year and span two nights.
I made sure I saw it when it
came on. 
Then later I introduced
my daughter to this movie.

Around the same time VCRs
were here along
with the weekend trips
to the video store.
I finally had to put my
foot down and 
get my daughter to realize
that Wizard of Oz
was not something I wanted
to see weekly. 
That was a treat I watched
once a year!

My son came 6.5 years
later and of course
he had to be introduced 
to this movie.

Along with Chase, Paige
and Holly
(nieces and nephews).

There was a span there
no new kids
in the family....
then my grandson!
Yep, that was a movie I 
made sure he saw.

They all love it.
What got me was about
5 years ago I got a call
from Chase telling me that
him and his son were watching
the movie together that night. 
Oh my heart!

Its one of those movies
that for years to come my
family will think of me when they
see it. 

haha....scrolling down 
facebook I saw this.
(internet pic)

haha....I think this would
be so fitting.
I feel like a house has
been dropped on me on
most days!
Plus, I want Some Where
Over the Rainbow played.

Not quite 80 years ago 
but it has been 50
years since the USA
set down on the moon.
Where were you?

(internet pic)

Oh my gosh I was all of 
nine years old so I
was probably playing Barbies!

The other day before heading 
to the hospital to meet
Amber and I stopped by
The Sportsmans Grill in 
best burger I have add in a 
very long time.
Meat, hand patted, not sure
of the season but it was great.
Served on a plate of fries and 
a section of lettuce, tomatos 
and sandwich pickles. 

Before heading to lunch 
and the hospital I
witnessed a wedding at 
TN Tiny Weddings. 

Now this is so cute.
If I was to get busy and 
do things I see on FB and 
PINTEREST I would run
out of open canvas at the house!!

(internet pic)

In 2009 I started
an album on FB
for unusual mailboxes.
I think it is another cool
way that folks show
their personality.
In the past I invited friends
to send me pics that
they found. 

Yesterday a friend
sent me this.
Totally cool...
thanks Angel!

She located this one in 
Fair Oaks Calif. 
I added this to my album
with her name and location 
so everyone knows where
it comes from.


Rain said…
I love that skeleton mailbox! I love the Wizard of favourite was always the Lion because he was such a ham, but my heart always went out to the Tin Man because he cried. Awww... :) I was just born when the Moon Landing happened!
We like the Wizard too and Toro was pretty cool too.
wisps of words said…
Too hot to really comment...

Sally said…
Speaking of movies, when my granddaughter was little she watched "Annie" over and over. :)

Hope you have a pain free day!
Jeanie said…
It sounds like you have our same heatwave, even though we are far to the north; the temps sound about the same.

And I LOVE your funeral card! Make sure your "people" know.
Ann said…
I love that bicycle painted on the side of that building. That is amazing.
I remember watching The Wizard of Oz every year when it came on. It was always a special treat because we got to stay up later to watch it.
Air conditioning is the best! Up north I never had A/C since there were not enough scorchers to justify it. However when it was in the 90s and humid, it was VERY rough. Now I am comfortable every day in the hot south! I wonder if today's youth will have any fond memories like we have of The Wizard of Oz. My parents have a photo of my brothers and I tucked in a bed watching the annual tv viewing!
CHERI said…
Yet again your post is filled with so many interesting items:) My life seems to be very boring these days so guess I'll just have to live vicariously through your posts:) So here are my replies to a few of the things you mentioned... I remember watching WIZARD OF OZ once each year when I was growing up. It was always something I looked forward to. That skeleton mailbox creeps me out! Love your idea about your funeral program...would bring a smile to many faces I'm sure:) Like you, if I ever did attempt to undertake all the things I have pinned on Pinterest it would take at least 100 lifetimes to complete them all. Don't know why I even many ideas, so little motivation!!!! Your blog always makes me smile:)
Liz A. said…
I'll send cooling thoughts your way. Sorry it's been such a blazing summer for you.
Rhodesia said…
Very hot here as well, it seems to be all over. Thankfully we have a stone house which stays fairly cool all the time. Good as Air-con always makes me ill!! Have a good week. Cheers Diane
Pilar said…
Pam it is scorching hot in South Carolina too! I will be so happy for cooler days! I love the Wizard of Oz too! My mom was a toddler in 1969, but she said she remember seeing when USA set foot on the moon. It's so interesting the things we can remember from being small children. I loved seeing all the archived footage last week.

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